Telegram has disclosed a policy change that would provide law enforcement access to user IP addresses and phone numbers in exchange for a legitimate search warrant. According to CEO Pavel Durov, this action aims to prevent illegal users from connecting to the network. Although most users do not participate in unlawful activity, he said that a tiny percentage of users have damaged the platform’s reputation and compromised the security of its almost billion users. Telegram’s privacy policy change represents a significant shift in the company’s stance on user data and privacy.
Durov has consistently opposed requests from the government for user data. Thus, this move represents a dramatic change for him. His arrest in France last month has raised questions about the platform’s involvement in spreading child abuse and drug trafficking. Authorities accuse Durov of encouraging criminal conduct on Telegram. However, he refuted the charges, calling them erroneous and arguing that authorities shouldn’t hold him accountable for third-party actions.
Critics contend that Telegram’s lax policies, especially in contrast to Meta-owned WhatsApp, which caps group sizes at 1,000 members, have made it a sanctuary for false information and extremist content. Conversely, Telegram supports groups of up to 200,000 users, which raises questions about possible abuse. Ukraine recently prohibited Telegram from state-issued handsets due to national security risks.
Durov’s declaration raised concerns, especially among political dissidents who relied on Telegram for secure communication. Experts fear the site may start collaborating with authoritarian governments, endangering the privacy of its users. Cybersecurity researchers say Telegram’s censorship measures are still weak compared to other social media apps.
Despite experts such as Daphne Keller from Stanford University arguing that Telegram must entirely eradicate anything illegal and boost its collaboration with law enforcement to comply with international legal standards, the network has incorporated capabilities for moderation powered by artificial intelligence. Telegram’s privacy policy change reflects the platform’s efforts to address these concerns while balancing user privacy and safety.