A devastating plane crash occurred on Sunday, resulting in the loss of 179 lives. The Jeju Air Plane, a Boeing 737-800, crash-landed at Muan International Airport and slid into a wall, bursting into flames. Investigators have finished extracting data from one of the black boxes, the cockpit voice recorder.
The data will now be converted into an audio file, providing valuable insights into the crucial moments leading up to the tragedy. Meanwhile, authorities are working to access the data in the second black box, a flight data recorder. However, this process is taking more time due to a missing critical component.
Deputy Minister for Civil Aviation Joo Jong-wan stated that investigators discuss the best way to decode the flight recorder. Additionally, officials from the US National Transportation Safety Board have been deployed to Muan to join the probe.
The passengers on flight 7C2216 were aged between three and 78 years old, with most in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. Two Thai nationals were among the dead, with the rest believed to be South Korean. Identifying the bodies took several days, but all 179 victims have now been identified.
New Year’s Day celebrations across the country have been canceled or scaled down out of respect for the victims and their families. Seven days of national mourning have been announced. Jeju Air CEO Kim Yi-bae stated that the airline is preparing emergency compensation for the victims’ families and will cover funeral costs.
As the investigation into the Jeju Air Plane crash continues, authorities are working to determine the cause of the tragedy—the ongoing probe with officials examining all possible factors, including a potential bird strike or weather conditions.