The Indian Boarding Schools Legacy is a painful reminder of the US government’s role in the abuse and maltreatment of Native American children. In 2024, a report by the Department of the Interior revealed the shocking truth about these schools. The report showed that the schools allowed for the consistent abuse and maltreatment of Native American children across the country.
Senator Lisa Murkowski helped push the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act of 2024. He believes that the level of awareness about this dark period in American history is crucial. “We have moved, I think, in a strong way,” she said.
The act, which has been received by House lawmakers, aims to establish a commission to investigate the histories and effects of the Indian boarding schools.
Furthermore, the Catholic Church and President Joe Biden have formally apologized for their roles in the boarding school system. Biden called the attempted assimilation of Indigenous minors a sin on our soul and a blot on American history.
However, Senator Murkowski notes that the number of children who died in these schools maybe three times higher than initially reported.
Additionally, the impact of the Indian boarding schools is still felt today. Many Native American communities continue to suffer from the trauma and abuse inflicted upon their ancestors. So, this Indian boarding schools Legacy continues to affect the lives of many Native Americans. And it is important to acknowledge and learn from this dark period in American history.
So, it is important to raise awareness about this issue and work towards healing and reconciliation.