A dramatic turn of events has unfolded at the Fairbanks Ice Rink where a 21-year-old woman, Chelsea Charlie, was initially charged with kidnapping and assaulting two children. However, court documents now reveal that the felony kidnapping charge has been amended to coercion with fear of injury, a class C felony.
On December 8, Charlie allegedly approached an 11-year-old and a 9-year-old at the Big Dipper Ice Arena, owned and operated by the Fairbanks North Star Borough. The 11-year-old managed to escape after falling. Charlie reportedly dragged the 9-year-old 20 to 30 feet before they were able to break free.
The police report stated that the younger child was still visibly shaken when officers arrived. Charlie has pleaded not guilty and remains in custody. Prosecutors have not disclosed the alleged motive behind Charlie’s actions.
In general, kidnapping charges involve allegations of taking someone against their will, while coercion typically involves allegations of forcing someone to do something they would not normally do. Charlie’s attorney, Justin Racette, declined to comment on the story.
The 21-year-old’s next court hearing is scheduled for February 13. As the case unfolds, the community remains vigilant, awaiting further developments. The incident at the Fairbanks Ice Rink has raised concerns about public safety and the need for increased vigilance.
The amended charge of coercion with fear of injury carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. Charlie’s case has sparked a renewed focus on community safety. Moreover, the local authorities are urging parents to remain vigilant when their children are in public. The Fairbanks North Star Borough has also announced plans to increase security measures at the Big Dipper Ice Arena.
This news story was originally published by Alaska’s News Source.