Delhi smog chaos has brought the city to a standstill. A thick blanket of smog has engulfed India’s capital, Delhi, causing travel chaos and disrupting daily life. The city’s air quality has deteriorated to hazardous levels, with the air quality index exceeding 400 in several areas.
This is more than 25 times the safe limit set by the World Health Organization. The dense fog and severe air pollution have resulted in the delay of over 150 flights and dozens of trains. The Delhi airport has issued an advisory warning passengers of possible disruptions due to low visibility.
The Indian Railways has also reported that 26 trains to the city are running late due to fog. Furthermore, the Delhi government has reimposed anti-pollution and demolition activities, and school classes going online.
Additionally, the authorities are working to mitigate the effects of the smog. However, the situation remains dire. The smog in northern India during the winter months is caused by low temperatures trapping pollutants to the ground.
It affects visibility, making travel difficult and the air hazardous. The situation will improve over the weekend, with light showers predicted. Meanwhile, residents are advised to take necessary precautions to minimize their exposure to polluted air.
The Delhi smog chaos has brought the city to a standstill, and the authorities must continue to work towards finding a solution to this recurring problem. The people of Delhi deserve clean air and a safe environment. It is time for the government to take concrete actions to address this issue.