Author: Hoorain Batul

Vision Problems in Stroke

A stroke occurs when a blood artery in the brain ruptures or when the blood supply is cut off to a portion of the brain. This can result in brain cell death. Vision issues may result from a stroke that damages the brain regions responsible for vision. One typical problem is unilateral vision loss. When one or both eyes lose half of their field of vision, this condition is known as hemianopia. They might not be able to see anything to the left or right, for instance. Because of this, it becomes challenging for them to read, drive, or even…

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Stroke headache

A stroke is a dangerous medical disease that must be treated immediately. It happens when there is a reduction or interruption in the blood flow to the brain, which causes brain cells to die. An intense headache may be one of the first indications of a stroke. Early detection of stroke headache symptoms and prompt action may be able to save a person’s life. This post will review the several early signs of a stroke headache and what should be done immediately. Early Signs of a Stroke Headache Regular headaches and stroke headaches frequently differ from one another. It is…

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Acne on Forehead

A common skin issue that may affect anyone at any age is acne. Since acne on the forehead is frequently more noticeable and problematic to cover up, it may be very distressing when it first develops. You’ve come to the perfect spot if you’re sick of putting up with forehead acne and are seeking workable treatments. This extensive guide will look at various causes and treatments to help you have clean, healthy skin and eliminate forehead acne. What Causes Forehead Acne? A frequent skin issue that may be unpleasant and annoying is forehead acne. Understanding its causes is the first…

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toothache and headache

Although having a toothache might be unpleasant and painful, did you know that it can also result in a headache? Although many individuals are unaware of it, there is frequently a relationship between headaches and dental issues. This article will examine the connection between headaches and toothaches and any potential reasons and relevant treatments. Thus, continue reading to learn more if you’ve ever asked, Can a toothache cause a headache? Referred Pain First, you need to know what is referred pain. When pain is experienced in a different area of the body than the actual cause, it is called referred…

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Can UTI delay your Period?

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are prevalent and affect many people yearly. They develop when germs enter the urinary system and grow, resulting in discomfort and frequent urination. UTI affect the urinary system more than anything. However, some evidence suggests they may also affect the menstrual cycle. In this article, we will explore the relationship between UTIs and menstrual periods, answering the question: Can a UTI delay your period? What is a UTI? Any part of the urine system, like the kidneys, bladder, ureters, or urethra, can get a disease called a urinary tract infection. It is mainly caused by…

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Stressed woman

Introduction Can stress cause UTI? We got you. Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are a common medical condition that can be upsetting and uncomfortable. Though germs are the primary cause of UTIs, some theories suggest stress may also cause this disease development. This article will investigate the relationship between stress and urinary tract infections (UTIs) and whether stress may actually cause them. What is UTI? Before we discuss the relationship between stress and these infections, let’s review the definition of UTIs. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is any illness that affects the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. Cystitis, another name…

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Smoothies to Lower Cholesterol

Elevated cholesterol is a prevalent medical disorder that has the potential to cause serious medical conditions including heart attack and stroke. Adding smoothies to your diet is a tasty and healthy way to control and lower cholesterol levels. This complete guide looks at many smoothies to lower cholesterol fast. Understanding Cholesterol and Its Impact Before starting with smoothie recipes, it’s important to understand cholesterol and how it affects your body. Your blood contains a waxy, fat-like material called cholesterol. Although cholesterol is necessary for the body to produce healthy cells, excessive cholesterol may raise your risk of heart disease. How…

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Omega 3 Supplement

Background Omega-3-rich fish oil dietary supplements have long been recommended for heart health. Recent research shows that they also lessen aggression. Researchers say these common, safe supplements need to be utilized everywhere—from the prison system to the playground. What is Aggression? Bullying and acts of physical and verbal abuse are examples of overt aggressiveness. Subtle indicators include stealing, starting fires, vandalism, and property destruction. Both have the potential to harm relationships and have legal repercussions. It should go without saying that less violent conduct would benefit society in many ways. That may be possible, according to recent research. Research Researchers…

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What to eat for optimal health? To stay healthy, you must eat a varied meal full of essential nutrients. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, but some foods always stand out for being good for you. Here are the ten best foods you should eat daily for your health. What to Eat for Optimal Health: Top 10 Healthy Foods 1. Leafy Greens Nutritional Powerhouses How can you forget leafy veggies like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard if you are thinking about what to eat for optimal health. They are rich in nutrients. They contain large quantities of iron, calcium, and vitamins…

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Group of People Running

A study from the Netherlands, which was recently published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, looked at how antidepressants and exercise therapy in the form of group-based running affected the physical and sound mental health of people who had depression and anxiety disorders. Background More and more research shows that anxiety and depression disorders can affect more than just mental health. They can also impact physical health, such as heart health, immunity, and strength. Antidepressants are thought to be the next most effective treatment choice that can be well tolerated after psychotherapy. There are, however, differences between patients in how…

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